Virgil Ignacio

Digital Strategist x Brand Development for Creators, Defense, and High-Tech companies.

About Virgil

Virgil was born in 1998 in Chesapeake, Virginia, is a Filipino-American digital strategist. Growing up, he developed a passion for technology and creativity, building computers and honing his video editing skills. Virgil started a YouTube channel, growing it to 1,000+ subscribers before retiring it to focus on his education. He went on to earn a Bachelor's in Cybersecurity.His professional experience includes a role as a Computing Sales Consultant at Best Buy, where he gained valuable customer service and sales skills. In 2022, Virgil co-founded Zynolabs with his brother Bryan Alexandros, a digital branding agency specializing in high-tech, digital, and defense industries.Virgil combines his technical knowledge and creative skills, to help tech industry leaders tell their stories effectively. His unique blend of cybersecurity background and content creation experience allows him to bridge complex technological concepts with engaging, accessible content. Through various digital marketing strategies, Virgil is committed to elevating the online presence of innovative companies and individuals in the tech industry.


Zynolabs offers tailored services to help its clients navigate the complex world of digital branding, leveraging expertise in content production and brand development. The agency serves clients in both the United States and Bangkok, Thailand, indicating a global reach and diverse market understanding.

Experiences and Skills

  • Specializes in crafting compelling digital content for high-tech enterprises.

  • Collaboration with diverse teams on advanced defense projects

  • Exposure to advanced defense systems and capabilities being sold in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • Understanding of business decisions and collaborations between defense companies

  • Effective communication of technical concepts to various stakeholders

  • Familiarity with C6ISR technologies and their applications in national security for allied nations (e.g., ASEAN countries)

  • Understanding of the role of defense technologies in national security frameworks

  • Insight into high-level strategic planning in defense-oriented companies

  • Web3 and Blockchain